Paicast Episode 2

Rejoice! For the second installment of the PAIcast is here!

People Are Interesting: Episode 2

As a preface to this episode, I feel I need to explain something. The first episode of the podcast is most definitely more entertaining than this one, and I want to apologize. I did the interview on about two hours of sleep and didn’t have near as much time to prepare to speak with Hans and Cho and did it between two different classes, so I rushed through the process. While I normally would go back and redo the interview to achieve an acceptable level of awesome, I had a realization while editing.

While this may not be the most entertaining of the interviews I’ve done, I still needed to post it, because it shows something: not everything is interesting. No really, some things are downright boring, and parts of this interview were just that. I want to figure out what is interesting and while it turns out that this interview was just not interesting, the experience of recording and editing it shows that even the most interesting of us with the most interesting lives can be made boring using specific proxies, in this case a very tired and unprepared interviewer.

As a final note, I realize that part of our discussion was particularly crude, and I want to explain something when we discussed “passing gas” and the British, that I wasn’t referring to just random Brits on the street, but British comedy, and their admirable disregard for political correctness and their realization of what Cho’s friend Gage said being a true statement.

So again, realize that Hans and Cho are very interesting people, made boring through my line of questioning.

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