Episode 4

Back in the saddle with a new podcast and fun times to be had by all!

This podcast was all over the damn place.  We started recording around 2 A.M.  and finished an hour and a half later.  Getting one person to talk at a time was difficult, because that’s just the way that we tend to communicate as friends, and it doesn’t carry over particularly well to the podcasting realm.  At any rate, I again failed to nail the initial topic idea of change.  I guess it was kind of a long shot, getting a bunch of guys to talk about their feelings and open up about the fear of the loss of friendship due to proximity, but if nothing else, you now know the infamous “pee story,” regarding Daniel and myself.

Towards the end it was clear that we were all having trouble focusing, and I had trouble making sure that we didn’t start referring to things happening in the room, for example I had to edit out 10 minutes of all of us talking about a picture of me with my luxurious hair.  So if it seems like you’re getting a bit lost in the conversation near the end, you’re not alone.

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